N.A.P.A.L.M. Hackathon


  • What is NAPALM?
  • Why NAPALM?
  • When did NAPALM start?
  • Who is NAPALM?
  • Where is NAPALM heading?

What is NAPALM?


  • Focus on whats not on hows. Same operations and same structured data for all supporteved OS)
  • The functions we wrote in the previous video unfolds into ~1000 lines of code

When did NAPALM start?

First public commit was December 2014

Initial drivers were: JunOS, EOS, IOS-XR and FortiOS

Two years later: JunOS, EOS, IOS-XR, FortiOS, IOS, PANOS, Pluribus, NX-OS, IBM switches, ROS*, VyOS*
*Soon to be launched

Initial drivers supported ~5 methods to manipulate configuration and retrieve facts

Two years later we support almost 30 methods to manipulate configuration and retrieve state from the device, including experimental support for OpenConfig

Who is NAPALM?

And many more contritubors; ~30

Where is NAPALM heading?

Revamp of testing framework

Work closely with OpenConfig

Improve code quality and PEP compliance

Migrate some of the drivers to modern APIs like gRPC or RESTCONF

Keep adding useful method and drivers


Want to help out?

